A Cruel World

11:31 AM

Dear friends,
Merry Christmas and a Happy new year everyone!
Sorry, I couldn't post for a long time....
Here is a new poem for you...

The white jasmine glowed
With all its might,

It filled its fragrance
In the night..

In a faraway bedroom the angry brother
And the quarrelsome sister began to fight

But still the moon kept smiling , smiling , smiling....

The wind moved on
And on and out of sight,

The streets glowed
With the brightest light

An elegant angel - a divine creation
Came down to guide people to the right

But still the moon kept shining , shining , shining....

At last the darkest hour passed
And soon came the dawn....

It spread its radiant glow
And next in wait was the brilliant morn..

The sun awoke and filled the sky..
With its amazing glow !
And soon the stars vanished

Then slowly the moon began to fade...
He was no more smiling...
He was no more shining...


Every child in this world is born with happiness & joy
And continues to be so...
Yet humans spoil their life
And each child cannot follow his/her dreams..........
Here this poem shows each child to be like the moon and the humans
like the sun which makes the moon seem vanished when it has risen.

Hope you like it!!

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