6:11 PMHi friends,
Hope you are fine.
And wish a Republic Day to all Indians out there......!!
I'd like to tell you all what my school - The Indian High school Dubai
did for the republic day.
All the classes of 5th and 6th { A - K in all sections}
divided themselves into some states of India.
5 K . 5 A. 6 . K . --Maharashtra Dance --Nach Re Mora Ambya Chavanat......
5.B . 5 . C. 5.D --- Kerala Dance -- Parvanendu Mukhi Parvathee...
5. E. 5. F 5. G ---Sports Dance --- Aerobic Song... { I was in it since I'm in 5.E.}
5. H . 5. I . 5. J .---Kashmiri Dance --- Rind Posh maal gindane graaye lo lo ......
6.A. 6.B. 6.C ---- Punjabi Dance ---- Thodi si Dhool meri ......
6.D . 6.E. 6.F ----- Rajasthani Dance ----Omane ... Omane....
6.G. 6.H. 6.I. 6.J. ----Gujarati Dance ----- Achko Nachko......
All the girls from 5th and 6th who could sing well were chosen as a part of the
Junior Choir -- They were supposed to sing the song while we danced..!!
And once more Happy Republic Day !
I'm proud to be an Indian!
I'm proud of my school!